Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Report Card Pick Up

Welcome to Room 324!

Before we meet for our conference, please sign in on the pink sheet near the entrance to the classroom.

While you wait, feel free to find your child's desk.  They have left a letter and their Student Data Binders for you to browse through.  The binders were set up for my students to track their progress through NWEA data (MAPS Testing) and use that information to set goals for the year.  Please leave everything in the binders; I have printed out graphs for you to take home that tracks your child's progress since 2nd grade.  I will go over these with you in detail during our conference time.

Don't forget to stop by the Estimation Station!  You and your child make take a stab at how many popcorn kernels are in the jar.  Make sure to write your child's name on your slip of paper before placing it in the box! (***Hint: The number is between 3,000 and 5,000!!!***)

Friday, November 4, 2011

Important Dates Coming Up!

Is it November already?!?  Wow - the First Quarter has flown by....and it will continue to do so.  It is only November 4th, but we only have 12 days of school left in the month!  It's true!  Please mark the following dates in your calendars:
  • SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 6: Daylight Savings Time Ends (Set your clocks BACK an hour)
  • NOVEMBER 7-18: BOOK FAIR (First Floor)
  • THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10: End of the 1st Quarter - NO SCHOOL
  • FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 11: Veteran's Day - NO SCHOOL
As you can see, our days are limited for November.  I am going to need the help of parents to keep your children healthy and well rested in order to use our time productively.  We will be speeding through the next few chapters - which shouldn't be a problem for my Smarties :)

I hope all is well.  I look forward to meeting and chatting with you all on Wednesday, November 16 at Report Card Pick Up.

Ms. Kinder