Friday, January 20, 2012

January Notes

I hope you are staying warm in this winter storm!

Just a few things to make you aware of...

First, there have been many illnesses in the classroom and around the entire school.  Please make sure your child is getting enough rest at night and plenty of healthy foods!  If your child becomes ill, please keep him/her home as to cease the spread of germs. 

Second, I will be offering morning tutoring next week in order to prepare for the ISAT.  I had intended to start earlier, but as I was newly appointed as Unit Leader of POD 320, my schedule has changed.  With my new duties, the only mornings I will be able to offer are Thursdays and Fridays.  I will send a letter home next week with details and hall passes.

On that note, please ensure that your scholar is getting enough reinforcement at home in anticipation for the early March ISAT Testing!!!

Miss Kinder

Friday, January 13, 2012

Spelling Bee

Congratulations to our classroom Spelling Bee winners! 
Tonnie Sutton
Jalen Collins
Benjamin Topete (Alternate)

Study those words! 

We will see you at the Spelling Bee on January 23rd!